Hosting a Youtube Debate!

Do you remember my previous post regarding planning a YouTube video? Well, we made it!

Before watching this video, I would explain it briefly, so you can understand the whole picture. 

This video holds a debate regarding Fridays For Future - that movement previously explained in Google Docs. Consequently, this video is related to Natural Science. 

What is this video for?

Nevertheless, we are firstly educationally analysing this video. 

We would like to achieve the following goals.

♻️ To raise awareness regarding global warming.

♻️ To foster critical thinking related to pollution.

♻️ To reflect on ways to solve these global issues.

Furthermore, this video is focused on sixth graders. Consequently, there are pedagogic objectives concerning our educational curriculum (BOCM):

🏫 To reflect on a content - global warming. 

🏫 To contextualize pollution is a difficult concept for young students.

🏫 To investigate and analyze the current situation related to global warming.

This is our YouTube video!

Since the theoretical basis has been cemented, I am able to present Testing #FridaysForFuture You can already check it out 👇

As you may guess, the previous objectives are gained within the structure of the video - introducing the topic, analyzing it through real-life examples, and making questions about it. Therefore, it engages dynamic interaction among the students inside and outside the classroom. That is the reason why this video can be totally flipped out. In addition, there are some effects and written text to make it more understandable.

6th-grade class

This video would be at the very beginning of the unit regarding Global warming. Consequently, students can investigate since they are engaged in the learning process by Flipped Classroom methodology.
I would ask my students to watch the video and answer the questions before arriving at class. Thus, they have already developed critical thinking outside the class.

My personal experience as a Youtuber

The creation process was the hardest part. Filmora was chosen to edit the majority of the video and I was the owner of that program. Therefore, it was difficult to add some details and make the video more engaging. 

Besides, we had some troubles uploading the video regarding the exporting process. However, we solve it by exporting it again as an AVI format - problem-solving skills!

My partners were awesome and help me in every step of the process. Hence, it was not that complex. 


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