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It is an au revoir, not a goodbye 👋

I hate farewells, but it is time to end this fruitful learning process. It has been a while since the very first post...   This last task consists of presenting a multimedia  presentation about what I’ve learnt in "The Use of ICT and Other Resources for Bilingual Education in Primary Education” subject.  In the beginning, I was thinking to create an infographic. Later on, I was decided to upload another episode of my podcast, then I changed my mind and I decided to make a video Because it unifies EVERYTHING I’ve learnt so far.  My own super-learning 👩‍🏫 Do you want to review my whole journey? Take a snack or something like that, it would take us a bit. The very first task consisted of creating our own blog and you can read that post .  Myself in the digital world As you can observe, the header has an avatar at the right part. Here it is the header in a bigger size. 👀 Blogger Header de Patricia Rubio Furthermore, all posts are displayed with a female character. That’s

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